SHPE-INDIANA Rolls Royce Engineering Scholarship
In an effort to promote engineering education among Hispanics in the state of Indiana and in collaboration with Rolls Royce, SHPE Indiana created the SHPE-INDIANA Rolls Royce Engineering Scholarship for Hispanic students pursuing a career in Engineering. Applicants will also be considered for an internship or co-op position within Rolls-Royce and are encouraged to apply online.

Scholarship Eligibility and Selection Critiria:
- Hispanic or from Hispanic heritage.
- US Citizen/Residency/DACA required.
- Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better for the scholarship. A GPA of 3.0 or better is required to be considered for an internship or co-op position with Rolls-Royce.
- Pursuing a career in a relevant engineering field.
- Accepted to or enrolled in a university/college in the state of Indiana.
- High school senior or college student (undergraduate). College freshman or sophomores are encouraged to apply.
- Letter of recommendation from counselor, teacher, professor or member of the community (not a family member).
- If high school student, submit an official transcript and college acceptance letter.
If college student, submit an official transcript from the college you are attending.